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Grant Funding

Funding Available to Support Expansion of Telemedicine in Rural Communities

As hospitals in communities across the country are experiencing unprecedented circumstances and strain, the federal government has increased funding for telemedicine. Immediate funding is available for capital and equipment purchases. Contact us for help applying.

Federal Communications Commission

Nonprofit hospitals and rural health clinics are eligible for immediate funding from the FCC to support telemedicine. Total funding available is $200 million. Recipients are reimbursed for eligible expenses that include the purchase of telemedicine kiosks and carts for health care provider sites. Purchases made on or after March 13, 2020 are eligible. Personnel costs are not an eligible expense.

Funding decisions are made on a rolling basis. The program already has begun disbursing funds and will close once funding is depleted.

Information and application instructions are available here.

U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development

Rural hospitals may apply for grant funding from the USDA until July 13, 2020 to cover the acquisition of eligible capital assets, including audio, video and interactive video equipment; terminal and data terminal equipment; and computer hardware, network components and software. Total funding available is $25 million. While not required, applicants are encouraged to identify specific ways in which their request addresses COVID-19.

Information and application instructions are available here.

Health Resources and Services Administration

Rural hospitals may apply for grant from HRSA until June 15 to promote rural tele-emergency services with an emphasis on tele-stroke, tele-behavioral health, and tele-EMS. Total available funding is $8.7 million.

Information and application are available here.

More about Access Physicians

For nearly a decade, Access Physicians has been the leader in providing inpatient specialty care for high acuity patients through telemedicine.

Founded and led by physicians, Access Physicians specializes in delivering world-class care in hospitals and clinics by harnessing the power of telemedicine.